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에너지 11 영문 슬로건(백색).png

“We will create energy innovation in sodium materials”

‘Energy 11’ will achieve innovation in the secondary battery market with the ambition of becoming Korea’s first sodium secondary battery through the reasonable price and stability of sodium materials.



3E Innovation mind set






Enhancing Innovation and Creativity


Power Innovator



We will become a company that contributes to a sustainable Earth and human life.


We will become a company that provides the technologies most needed in an electricity-centric society.


Enhancing Innovation
and Creativity

we will become a globally competitive company by strenhthening creativity and innovation.

Energy 11's creativity and challenge


Discovering and creating customer value

Providing discovery of values ​​necessary for human survival and development of technologies that can meet those values.


World's best sodium battery technology

Meeting rational demand through development and innovation of sodium batteries for the next-generation battery market


Specialized performance and price competitiveness

Securing Price Competitiveness with Our Own Solution in the Increasingly Competitive Battery Market


Creating a global market

Find the right global customers and create markets with technologies that fit local needs.

Human Rights Policy

Energy 11 pledges to contribute to and practice creating a healthy and prosperous society by nurturing excellent renewable energy technology personnel.

- We comply with laws and regulations, conduct business with an honest and fair attitude based on high ethical values, and practice transparent management and ethical management.

- We build a cooperative community relationship with all stakeholders and pursue common prosperity.

- We respect the individuality of each employee based on mutual trust and implement an organizational culture that develops together.

- We actively participate in public interest activities, fulfill our responsibilities as a member of a healthy society, and contribute to the development of the country and society.

Quality Policy

Energy 11 maximizes customer satisfaction by providing products that customers need with proven performance and quality, at prices that customers want.

- We have a company-wide quality management system and stabilize quality through history management of manufactured products.

- We manage even minor customer complaints through the quality management system and maximize customer satisfaction.

- We actively participate in the product development process and minimize quality defects through process innovation to ensure product competitiveness.

Enviromental Policy

Energy 11 will do its best to comply with environmental laws and regulations, develop and produce eco-friendly and recyclable products, minimize harmful environmental impacts, and revitalize the renewable energy industry.

- We comply with environmental laws and are faithful to our original mission as a renewable energy company.

- We do our best to make the Earth a more sustainable planet by working with eco-friendly industrial companies to create a better society.

- We complete our corporate philosophy of 3E practice through related technology development and cooperation so that we can become a leading renewable energy company.

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